CulturEU Funding Guide for creatives

European funding guide for creatives

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How to find European funding for your creative project?

The CultuEU Funding Guide is designed to help the cultural and creative sectors find funding opportunities within European Union programs.

With this guide, the European Commission aims to facilitate access to the EU funding opportunities available for the cultural and creative sectors during the period 2021-2027, including design and fashion.

The aim is to help players in these sectors identify the most suitable sources of EU support for their projects.

Which guide?

The guide is available as a document (downloadable below) and also as an interactive online platform.

Complete the series of questions according to your sector of activity, the type of organization you represent and the support you are looking for. The guide will provide you with funding sources and calls for proposals tailored to your needs.

You’ll get details on available budgets and the application process for each funding source. Use the links provided to access specific programs or calls.

© European Union
Who’s it for?

The cultural and creative sectors have been divided into eight sectors, including architecture (buildings, public spaces and urban landscapes), design and fashion (textiles and clothing, footwear, leather, at the crossroads of the arts, business and technology) as well as crafts (design, creation, distribution and sale of handmade products by artisans).

The types of eligible beneficiaries have been divided into six categories, including private organizations (self-employed, start-ups, micro-businesses, SMEs or large corporations), social enterprises (businesses with specific social objectives as their main purpose) or other types of organization.

What activities can be financed?

Many types of projects can be financed, and the guide groups them into different categories that include internationalization of business and access to new markets, but also digitalization and new business models (support for the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenues), innovation, networking, etc.


Once you’ve completed your online search, you can view the links and information for each opportunity, and download them to a file for safekeeping.

But what else?

A similar tool (on the CreativesUnite website) provides information on regional, national and specific calls for projects and funding providers for the creative and cultural sectors (apart from European Union calls for projects).

Need help?

The grants offered by WBDM can be an invaluable asset for designers and creators wishing to submit an application to a European funding program. In particular, they provide personalized coaching from a professional to help designers structure their application, highlighting their strengths and meeting the project’s specific criteria.

There are also several structures specializing in helping very small businesses (VSEs) set up European projects.

In Wallonia:
  • is the Walloon Region’s scheme to facilitate and support your positioning in European initiatives and funding.
  • NCP Wallonie: This national contact point for European programs offers advice and support for Walloon companies, including VSEs, in the context of European funding programs.
  • Digital Wallonia: Its mission is to transform Wallonia into a benchmark digital region. Digital Wallonia acts as a convergence platform, structuring and promoting digital programs, initiatives and players in Wallonia.
  • Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Wallonia: can help you find business partners, access European funding, understand regulations or receive personalized advice.
In Brussels:
  • NCP Brussels: This national contact point for European programs offers advice and support for Brussels companies, including VSEs, in connection with European funding programs.
  • This business support agency offers support services for VSEs, including advice on setting up European projects and finding funding.
  • Enterprise Europe Network Brussels: can help you find business partners, access European funding, understand regulations or receive personalized advice.

These structures can provide useful support to maximize your chances of success in European programs. Please do not hesitate to contact them for further information.

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